Thursday 23 April 2009

More wild flowers, a pink heart and excuses

I can't believe how long it is since I last blogged!Anyway; hopefully I am back on track now. My life has been taken up with an Asthma diploma I shall be doing over the course of 6 months. It requires 300 hours of study. THAT IS 12 HOURS A WEEK FOR 6 MONTHS!!!!! Blogging will have to take a back seat.

This wonderful heart was on the pavement outside an art exhibition in Cambridge a few weeks ago. It will join my hearts collection and may end up on a card. I must first get rid of the shoes!

One of those magical misty mornings when Rosie takes me with her on a walk round by the barn in Histon

Dandelionicus yellowcus

Here are a few additions for my wildflower collection. My intention was to record all the wild flowers locally as they appeared. I have not been diligent about doing it on the first day they appeared but it will be interesting to see how many there are by the end of the year. I will then put them all into a gallery and may even add their correct Latin names!

Primrosicus avec celandinicus

Well, all right....I will eventually find out the proper latin names!
Apart from photographing wild flowers I enjoyed a workshop with Sheena Norquay last weekend called 'Shining Circles'. We printed and stamped metallic paints onto calico and then added free machine quilting to them. I shall be posting my efforts very soon. I have added beads and sequins but have yet to bind them and add a sleeve for hanging.
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