Sunday, 6 September 2009

Grace's BIG day

Grace starts school this term and so we celebrated her last day with a special day and she requesated a day at the sea.
Even granddad Tony took the day off work to join us!

We vowed that we would go whatever the weather. Luckily I secreted a couple of brollies in my bag so when the heavens opened (and Tony was all set to head off and buy ice cream) we sat it out on the beach and watched everyone else scuttling off for shelter. It started to rain again as we were heading back but it all added to the memories of the day!

I love the beach huts at Wells.....the colours are inspiring

One of the things on Grace's 'to do' list was to bury granddad Tony in the sand....
as Tony has an aversion to sand, I packed a couple of bears as stand-ins and Tony got a reprieve!

Now the hard w0rk starts as I sort through 190 photos and make a scrapbook of Grace's speacial day. No excuses now....I have finished my Asthma Diploma essay and it is in the post. yippee!!
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