Monday, 31 August 2009

Rainbow Street

It has been a wonderful Bank Holiday weekend. Hope and Grace came running over as soon as they got back from France and gave me this magical keyring they had bought with their own money (Hope had worked out that they could afford 2 euros!) I LOVE it and the way it catches the light!

Today Claire and Phil had a barbeque with their friends and the street was filled with laugher as the children chalked it. (Just as well I bought two HUGE boxes of street chalks from the charity shop on Thursday. Not much remains!)
I adore the 'Ranbow Street' sign at the end of the road. The brill part about chalks is that it all disappears as soon as it rains......! They can be as creative as they like

....but they weren't supposed the paint the path....!

Sara and I had a great day yesterday. Tony and Gareth went off to the aeormodelling nationals and so we both got up early and walked Rosie. We picked two HUGE bags of plums en route (poo bags are most useful at times) and then made an enormous batch of plumtious jam. Sara has never made jam before so it HAD to be done.
And here is the best method for removing all the stones. Boil the plum in the water for an hour or so (while you are busy making a scrapbook or something!) Allow it to cool and then use your hands to fish out all the stones and skins. Slippery, slimy, yuchity poouchty....but very successful!
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