Tuesday, 8 January 2013

I've cracked it at last!

I have moaned on so much this year about Windows 8 but finally....happily I have come to terms with it and understand what it is doing. AND I have had the mast amazing fun using the 'CyberLink YouCam' programme on it too which allows you to make avatars. Here is a piggy one that Hope made. You can waste hours playing with it!

Well, we are into the second week of the year...and yes...I have managed to make a new recipe each week so far. No time to photograph them though...I'm battling with creating a new website where I can sell my cards hopefully!

I have also made myself play around with the blogger dashboard and have learnt how to add borders to my photos...how sad is that  that it has taken so long! Ah well....it is great step forward for me so I am doing a happy dance. I must keep on playing and learning new tricks. I have even added little buttons at the top of the blog page here that go nowhere.....YET! But they will....given time

Although I've not posted since the beginning of the year I have been busy. Tonight I am teaching a group of lovely local ladies how to hand knit beaded wire bracelets and spent to the whole day yesterday making up little kits for them Hard work but I hope they have FUN! That is what life is for....to share the fun and enjoy life

Right... now I'm off to enjoy lunch with all my Belstead patchwork girls!


Sandie said...

Well done Moira!!
One thing I REALLY want to do is to add some headings like you have so if I don't susss it for myself I know where to come when I want some tips!
Good luck with the website and your cards.
Starting the count down to our weekend, boy, do I need some fun time!!!!!

HowtoBEaCOOLoldLady said...

I like your style! Blog is looking good and I love the plan for life being 'share the fun' xx

Zue said...

Clever you!!!!!!
I suppose it's the next thing for me to get:)
If I do I know where to come for advise:)
happy New Year

Zue said...

I think that should be advice!