Monday, 31 December 2012

New Year Resolutions for 2013

Plural…there are always an awful lot of them to make!! I have found myself slipping the past few months since Tony was made redundant. We don’t get up so early and some days, I have lost twp hours of my day before I even begin so number 1. on my list has to be:

    1. Get up early at least three days a week. This do-able. I’m not expecting myself to leap out of bed at 6am every day as I don’t go to bed until 11.15pm! Sell something on Ebay once a week. Also achievable. I have a houseful of stuff I don’t need so it has to go. Last time I had my ‘Lapland account’ and took Claire, Phil and the girls for a fabulous trip to meet Santa. Well worth the effort. This time it will be the ‘Disney Land account!’

    2. Start taking long walk with Rosie again. I can now that my foot is better. Fasciitis grounded me for a long time this year.

    3. Use a new recipe once a week. One year I resolved to make a new recipe EVERY DAY!! I made the whole of January and part of February before buckling under pressure. Get real…it just isn’t going to happen that often but I do have a mountain of Good Food magazines so it is time to use them…..mmmmmm…that reminds me, I must go through them and throw some of the OUT!!! This will make Tony happy J

    4. Sell more cards. I want to make myself more computer literate and start to sell online. I have been busy adding more day schools to my site and I’m going to learn how to add photos soon. I can do links and stuff so maybe I can link my site to places to buy like Etsy, Folksy, Not on the Highstreet….who knows? What I’d really like is a site with a little shopping basket and checkout!

    5. Make time for friends. They are more precious than anything else in life. I’m so looking forward to meeting up with friends at Grafham Water this year now that Belstead has closed and sharing lots of laughter!

    6. Blog once a week. Well…..hopefully I shall have plenty to blog about and now I have a new laptop, no excuses!

    7. Finally, book a wonderful holiday for my big birthday in April and Tony’s retirement in early May….somewhere warm and sunny….must go and start looking at the brochures!
    8...ooops....nearly forgot...I also want to stop talking about making Hope's stories into a book and do it.

Right…I must go …there is work to be done, cards to be ordered, cupboards to be tidied and stuff to be hunted out to sell. What will be first to go I wonder?

 Have a great night celebrating the New Year, or enjoy your night in, if, like us, you are not doing anything special this year. This is the first NYE spent at home for over 30 years!

I'm hoping to start selling cards and prints from my website this the meantime, a list of dayschools is already online...check them out here




Zue said...

It would be great if you blogged more often....I am still waiting for you to blog the pictures of your decorating job, that you told me about. You will so enjoy your walks, winter walks can be so invigorating. Did you watch Nigel slaters cookery show
He does what I do and create from the fridge.
Wishing you all good things for the coming year.
Excuse typos, iPad is having a silly hour.

Sandie said...

I resonate with some of these Moira, and smiled when I read about trying a new recipe every day. EVERY DAY?! That is being a bit optimistic! I posted once about a 30 minute cooking challenge we set ourselves, using Jamie Oliver's cookbook. It was huge fun and a great success. Like you I thought of using a new recipe and didn't - so this year I will attempt to do this at least once every 2 weeks. Like Sue said, Nigel Slater is inspirational and his TASTE book is one of my favourites. I must dig this out. I am also setting up a closed Facebook page for friends who want to loose weight and get fitter this year. I need some cheering on and encouragement let alone prodding! Hope you have a wonderful New Years eve and successful, happy 2013. Looking forward to seeing you at Grafton.