Tuesday, 2 October 2012

Weaving hand dyed old cotton sheets!

ok...here we are on day 2 and I have just 20 minutes of the day left to blog so making it QUICK!!!!!
I have been making waeving kits to sell at the Cambridge Quilters exhibition this weekend and here is a piece I made before I got it off the loom today.
It is going to be a little purse
You'll have to wait till tomorrow to see it finished
I LOVE hand dyeing old cotton sheets and they are perfect to weave with so I've been having a ripping time!
Now then....it is


Paula - Buenos Aires said...

Cool project! Looking forward to the finished piece. :)
Enjoy Blogtoberfest!

Zue said...

OOOhhh, so beautifully colourful. I bet they will go like hot cakes:)