Monday, 1 October 2012

Quilt in the making

 Happy Blogtoberfest!
It is day one and I thought it would be fun to share the making of my
don't forget to drop the dogs' quilt. It was a delightfully messy process, has taken me weeks and is still not quite finished. It did make me finally get ot grips with my new sewing machine though

The background was microwave dyed and ended up very splattery looking. The powder had not dissolved completely before the cooking process. Result...interesting..... As most of it was not going to be seen I decided it did not matter one iota!
I added two strips of white for the shelving.......

then set to work adding the colourful jars of hand dyed fabrics.......

behind acetate! This was tricky and made the whole quilt ridiculously difficult to work on later as it could not be folded!! Masking tape held it in place as I stitched

a few 'metal' pots were added.....I only allowed the Bondaweb to stick the pieces around the edges

then I  stiched around leaving gaps at the top.....
for the brushes, rulers and my old, left handed scissors.
Oh they don't make them like they used to you know. Wilkinson Sword scissors are now totally left handed meaning oldies like me cannot use then any more!

 The rulers are made from oiled brown paper.....

The work area is completely out of proportion and pretty randon.....

and Mavis is wearing earrings from a Christmas cracker! LOL
Her dress was printed with funky foam shapes

The other poor dog dreading taking his turn
The Cambridge Quilters show starts on Friday and I still have so much to do. I'm busy making weaving kits to sell so will be buring the midnight oil a few times this week!


Mina said...

Totally cute! I wish I had some of your creativity!

Kat McNally said...

Wow, what an amazing quilt! I never realised all the mixed media possibilities.
You are one creative lady.
Thanks for being a part of the Blogtoberfest12 festivities.
Kat xxx

Zue said...

You are so creative , Moira!
Love the idea of hand dyed fabrics...I am just about to try some.
Have fun and good luck if you enter the quilt competition.

Sandie said...

The detail is amazing.... you couldn't quite see that in your last post. Good luck Friday - it's got to be a winner!!

pulp and paper machinery for sale said...

what a great ideas that you have,its so are so creative, i have a hard time of quilting and i find it interesting..what a great article that you have..