Sunday, 5 June 2011

Girl in a sweet shop

My favourite place to my studio surrounded by COLOUR glorious colour and old hand dyed lace, muslins, piles of dyed OCS, ribbons, buttons, beads and sequins and STUFF!
I have packed my machine away now as I'm off to Quarry Bank Mill for a few glorious days of machine stitching!!!!!
You know I reported how disappointed I was with the rusty fabric on the wheelbarrow? Well....I went back with a BIG bottle of vinegar and water, turned the barrow over, rearranged the fabric inside it this time and saturated the OCS with the solution and.....
I am delighted to report that FINALLY I got what I wanted...a nice rusty old, cruddy old result. GREAT! It is now in the stash waiting for that special moment when only a piece of rusty old stuff will do. I will share the moment when it happens. I have left the handles wrapped. As you can see they are still white. Useless!!!!! Maybe some bad weather will help.
One of the greatest pleasures of having a dog is walking in the country, camera in my pocket 'just in case' and capturing nature's colourful creations.....
I haven't had time to look up what this tiny beauty is but that COLOUR. Knockout!
I couldn't blog without giving a froglett update. I was SO excited to see two little ones inching their way up the glass. The one on the right had his arm right over the the one on the left who had more tail so is not quite as mature. He seemed to be saying 'come can make it!' I grabbed my camera to capture the amazing moment but his arm had slipped off and he was on his way up the glass. Hope told me that he made it to the top and she watched him bounce away.
Grace set 7 free yesterday and Hope set another 3 free.I've now lost count of the total froglett production line!
I'm thrilled that both girls are sharing in the fun. I need someone to take over looking after the pond when I die! It is a natural clay pond in the filed by our house. I think we should put in a liner so that it never dries out again but I would need a working party for that.

My cards arrived from the printers on Friday so we have been frantically folding, stuffing envelopes and cello bagging them for the oders at PG Live. I NEED OUTWORKERS!!!! Must sort it out when I get back. See you again on Thursday when I hope to have plenty of excitement to share.


Gina said...

I want your studio!!! Have fun at Quarry Bank

dandelion dreamer said...

Thank you Gina. I am busy packing right now. Can't WAIT!

Jenny said...

Oh I agree with Gina...would you like a studio squatter!! :)Looking forward to the exciting tales to tell :)x

ShabbyChicShaz said...

Wow, I could live in your studio, it's so colourful and organised :)

Ruth said...

Thanks for visiting my blog, the ducks were very happy! Also agree with the other posts, what a tidy space, and the colours so vibrant. Hope you had a good time at Quarry Bank.

Zue said...

Look at you in your fabulous studio.
I SHOULD KNOW what OSC means; I imagine, Organic Cotton Stips.

The pink flower reminds me of a single orchid, rather than the multiple flower heads you often see.
Good old wheelbarrow came up with the goods eventually.
Have fun, Moira. I look forward to the next installment.

Sue xxx