Saturday, 12 February 2011

Thing-a-day 12 Richard Box Class

Today was the AGM of the local quilt group and Pam Ford very kindly agreed
to give a workshop on Richard Box's technique of making a picture from itsy
bitsy bits of fabric.
I chose my usual palette of pinks, purples and green YUM! Pam showed us how
to use PVA glue and a cocktail stick to apply each teeny bit of fabric to
the background. was hot and sunny here in Cambridge and I was
expecting to be home by 1 pm! The meeting finished at 12 and then it was
time for lunch so Pam didn'tget to demonstrate till after lunch. I stayed a
short while then went home as Tony did not expect me to be away all day!
Tony and I went to Anglesey Abbey to enjoy the snowdrops and the winter
walk. Later on, I decided to carry on with my Richard Box picture.
Now then....anyone who knows me knows that I cannot do anything SLOWLY!!!! I
whipped out my can of 505 spray.....blitzed the background with it and then
scattered the fabric confetti onto it. Brilliant! Very soon I was machine
embroidering the background with variagated thread. So much faster...YAY!
Next, I used my much loved black thread to add detail, and finally, the
beads and sequins while we enjoyed a pre-meal G&T! Still not finished but
looking OK I am pleased to present it as my TAD for today.... Thank you Pam


Marg said...

It's so lovely and bright, I will have to try that technique and the embroidery has highlighted it beautifully.

Sandie said...

So colourful! Love the idea of throwing the scraps onto the page like confetti, like you I don't think I'd have the patience to lay them one by one!

Sandra Rowney said...

Hi Moira, this looks good! I had a careful look on the Thing-a-Day site at it earlier today and ended up whizzing around with my machined work instead of plodding carefully up each leaf vein - it looks so much better now, thanks for the inspiration.