Sunday, 17 October 2010

Nasturtiums and 2011 diaries

Oh I just HAD to share these fabby nasturtiums with you...Sally brought them round yesterday...she'd grown them on her allotment. Tony had fun faffing about with the picture for me removing a tree brach which spoilt it apparently!
I was awake at 4.40 this morning, cooking under the new duvet we put on the bed last night. BIG mistake....mind you...Tony slept perfectly so I think it will have to be separate beds from now on! Mind you...I LOVE it when I get up early to play. I waited till 5am and then quietly slid out of bed...tapping the bedside table in the dark to track down my glasses....! I crept through to the studio and got the kettle on quick....BLISS 
I had fun making three of the covers for 5 diaries I bought a while ago. I suddenly had a panic that if I don't do them and try and sell them QUICK I shall be stuck with them. I was going to sew on beads and sequins but decided that that will cause more delay..I'm hoping I might be able to add them now the covers are glued on...I wonder?

I carried on with them after breakfast while Hope and Grace painted. This one has my Dad's plans for the 'C'class canoe in the paper fabric in the background. I made another (not finished yet) with a boat on the front. Bit naff but never mind.... it was fun to do!


Zue said...

They are really beautiful. I love your lively colour scheme ... I don't think they need the beads.
Do you have an online shop or do you use Folksy?..I hope you don't mind me asking?..I just wondered!!!
Have a great Sunday
Sue xx

Sandie said...

These are gorgous, Moira!!
Hope I'll be able to see them tomorrow :)
You are getting a wide range for your shop. Good luck with putting it all together. Don't forget to let me know when you are launched!

Sandra Rowney said...

Good to meet you today and to see all these scrummy textiles for real!
Look forward to seeing you again soon and hope to come on one of your courses, Sandra x

Jenny said...

Wow! I have just stumbled upon your blog and am very glad I did!I LOVE all your amazing creative goodies! What a whirwind of beautiful art you have created! I especially love your lino print fairy and the beach comb collages! Brilliant!! :) Can't wait to see what you come up with next! :)x ps. your diaries ar gorgeous fave one is the nautical one!