Monday, 27 September 2010

Pencil sketches

How I love Sunday mornings when our dear little grandaughters come running over to see us at 7am and we all snuggle up and tell stories and drink tea. Bliss!
This week, Hope picked up my black facinator from the floor and modelled it back to front. I couldn't resist taking a few pictures of her. It rained relentlessly all afternoon and all thoughts of an afternoon at Wimpole Hall went out the window while I settled down to try my hand a sketching the girls. I was amused to find the pencil I used was one to advertise a contraceptive mention of grade of lead!

I had attempted to sketch Grace as she sat on the end of the bed but her face ended up so distored as she wriggled about and laughed, I gave up and grabbed the camera instead. In fact I chose a photo of her from the Summer to copy. I love how the hours just melt away in a warm blissful haze when I'm having its Monday morning and on with trying to earn some money.

I have decided to try and find a literary agent and re-publish my four Tiny Tiger children's books for the 1980's and also my new new childre's stories I've been working on. I self published last time and printed 10,000 of each title and even managed to sell the rights to Barron's in America. I wonder if anyone will be interested this time round? Right....ever onwards.....time to get the kettle on and get to work!

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Unknown said...

wow, those are really lovely! You are very talented. I think you should try to re-publish.

Veronika said...

I didn't realize you were so good at drawing, these look so lovely, I'm sure your grandchildren will absolutely love them :)

Unknown said...

Good luck on your publishing adventure. The sketches are beautiful, by the way.

suzanna leigh said...

Did you sell all the ones you published?
beautiful grand daughters! beautiful sketches!

dandelion dreamer said...

Thanks to you all for your encouraging comments!

Kristin Dudish said...

Wonderful sketches!

Good luck & best wishes for success with your publishing!