Sunday, 21 June 2009

Printed trees and altered books....

it is such fun having grandchildren and I love to have craftly play with thrm. They both came over this morning for breakfast and while ony was out walking rosie we made these wonderful arm prints! I used a glass plate and a roller to spread the brown paint and then for the fun presssing their arms into it to make tree trunks!

After breakfast they added printed leaves and so I grabbed the opportunity to use the remainder of the green paint on my altered baby board books.

I have several books on the go at once and having painted them with white emulsion I then add colour and printing etc whenever I am using paint on something else. Eventually they will have photos added or perhaps they will become creative jouranals. Who knows and does it matter?

Meanwhile, I must go and do some serious studyting for my asthma diploma. I shall shut myself away in my summerhouse at the bottom of the garden and then I shall reward myself with some creative thinking on how I am going to interpret Illustration Friday's promt of 'Drifting......'
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1 comment:

soulbrush said...

i can't wait till my maggie gets to this age, she is 5 months old now....aren't granddaughters the mostest? i am thrilled you wanna swap atcs with me. here's my e mail when you're ready: